DIY Tips for Daily Hearing Aid Maintenance

DIY Tips for Daily Hearing Aid Maintenance

In our daily lives, hearing aids play a crucial role in helping us stay connected to the world around us. To ensure these tiny marvels continue performing at their best, proper maintenance is essential. While professional care is crucial, there are also effective do-it-yourself (DIY) hacks to keep your hearing aids in top-notch condition. In this guide, we explore some simple and practical hearing aid cleaning tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine, fostering a harmonious relationship between you and your devices.

Gentle Cleaning with a Soft Brush

Begin your daily routine by gently brushing your hearing aids with a soft brush. This helps remove any visible debris, dust, or earwax that may have accumulated. Pay attention to the microphone ports, speaker, and any crevices where particles can gather.

Wipe Down with a Dry, Clean Cloth

A quick wipe-down with a dry, clean cloth can work wonders. Ensure that the cloth is soft and lint-free to avoid any residue. This step helps remove oils, sweat, or moisture that might have accumulated during wear, contributing to the overall hygiene of your devices.

Inspect and Clean the Tubing

If your hearing aids have tubing, inspect it for any blockages or visible dirt. Using a small tool provided by your hearing healthcare professional or a gentle pipe cleaner, carefully clean the tubing. Be cautious not to use sharp objects that could damage the delicate components.

Utilize a Wax Pick or Loop

Wax accumulation is a common issue with hearing aids. A wax pick or loop, available at many hearing aid supply stores, can be gently used to remove wax from the sound outlet and other openings. Exercise caution and avoid pushing the wax deeper into the device.

Invest in a Hearing Aid Dehumidifier

Moisture can be detrimental to the functionality of hearing aids. Consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier to remove excess moisture overnight. This not only helps prevent damage but also contributes to the longevity of your devices.

Store Your Hearing Aids Properly

When not in use, store your hearing aids in a protective case. This shields them from dust, moisture, and accidental damage. Choose a case that allows for proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture.

Change Batteries Regularly

Regularly changing your hearing aid batteries is a fundamental aspect of maintenance. Weak batteries can lead to distorted sound and other performance issues. Always carry spare batteries to ensure uninterrupted usage.

Extremes in temperature and humidity can adversely affect your hearing aids. Avoid leaving them in hot cars, exposing them to direct sunlight, or placing them near heaters. Similarly, prevent exposure to excessive moisture.

Weak Sound or Distortion

Check for wax blockages in the sound outlet and clean as needed. If the issue persists, consult your hearing healthcare professional.

Intermittent Connectivity

Ensure that your hearing aids are properly paired with your devices. Check for any interference from electronic devices, and if the problem persists, seek professional assistance.

Feedback or Whistling Sounds

Adjust the fit of your hearing aids to ensure a snug but comfortable seal. If the issue persists, consult with your hearing healthcare professional to assess and address the cause.


Incorporating these simple DIY hearing aid cleaning hacks into your daily routine not only ensures the longevity and performance of your devices but also fosters a sense of empowerment in managing your hearing health. While these tips are effective for routine maintenance, it’s essential to schedule regular professional check-ups to address any issues that may require expert attention.

Remember, your hearing aids are more than just devices—they are the key to unlocking life’s sounds. By investing a few minutes each day in their care, you embark on a journey where clarity, connection, and the richness of sound harmonize to enhance your daily experiences.