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Taking Care of Your Hearing Health is an Investment in Your Overall Health

The Cornerstones of Health The secrets of maximizing your health are hardly secrets at all. Everyone can tell you what foods are healthy and what foods are not. It is much less likely that many of these people could explain to you why exactly some foods are healthy and others aren’t in a meaningful scientific way, how proteins help build …

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Common Misconceptions About Hearing Loss

The treatment options for hearing loss have made such incredible advancements that it is completely common and simple to live a perfectly normal life despite hearing loss. But to do that, obviously you must seek and maintain appropriate treatment. The greatest barrier that prevents people from doing this is the common misconceptions that people have about hearing loss.  These misconceptions …

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Occupational Hearing Hazards

Hearing Loss is Extremely Serious and Extremely Common Hearing health is as fundamental to our overall health as diet, exercise, and proper sleep. When someone downplays their hearing loss or even outright denies that it is happening, the consequences to their overall health are more often than not catastrophic. When ignored, hearing loss not only represents a persistent threat to …

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What Are The Signs of Hearing Loss?

As we age, we commonly experience changes in our hearing. The change does not happen suddenly, but is more gradual, like the gradual process of graying hair. Nevertheless, it is crucial to pay attention to these initial indications. Research shows that men are almost twice as likely as women to have hearing loss among adults aged 20–69. Read on for …

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Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

It might seem odd to you that someone could have hearing loss and not realize it. Indeed, the more advanced cases are impossible to ignore. When others expect you to communicate and listen to what they have to say, a serious gap in hearing ability can be obvious to all involved. Those who have severe or profound hearing loss will …